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Well November is NaNoWriMo. I participated for the first time last year, and didn't come close to succeeding. Enjoyed the pressure though! I am considering doing it again, but continuing with the first book of the Order of Maget Trilogy. (it's the one I began during it last year) I am about halfway through the rough draft, but am also adding to book 6 of the series here and there, plus working on a stand alone novella for another character. So perhaps?

I love the crazy time NaNoWriMo is, and maybe it's what I need.

To be honest, I gave up writing for a good few months. I would add a paragraph here and there, or jot down notes, but really didn't want to actually write. It's personal as to why. Basically I wanted to give up, but can't. I have the trilogy pretty much outlined, book 6 is starting off right, but I don't have a set idea for it yet, and the stand alone has a few pages, and that's it.

Every time I can sit down and actually write, I don't. Like I said, a paragraph here or there, then I shut it down. I spend more time jotting down notes than actually writing. I'm not impressed with myself, but am having a bit of trouble turning this around.

No I am not upset at bad reviews, nor do I care that I barely sell any novels. I actually don't check that stuff very often anyway. That is what it is, and worrying about it won't change things. Normally I would just throw myself into the next project. This time I am having issues.

I did make a change. I am no longer offering book 1 for free, although Kindle will put it at whatever price they want to, so check it out there if you want free. Many people were downloading it, but no one was leaving a review, or picking up the next book. There will be sales where I am able to have them, but that's it.

I wish I could change how I feel about all this. Hopefully rambling about it on here will make me have to push myself to get things done. Or perhaps participating in NaNoWriMo? Guess we just have to wait and see what National Novel Writing Month has in store.

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